Herbal Salts


Add delicious flavour to your food with our popular Herbal Salts (formerly called Finishing Salts). Uniquely Pure flavour in every bite. No need for table salt!

75 ML | Keep all in a cool, dry place.

Summer Savory & Garlic

Use to season vegetables, poultry, eggs, soups, or a variety of culinary creations. Ingredients: Summer savory, garlic bulbs, coarse sea salt.

Garlic Scape & Spring Onion (Seasonal)

Use to season fresh vegetables, soups, in sour cream as a dip, or a variety of culinary creations. Ingredients: Garlic scapes, spring onions, coarse sea salt.

Pepper Blend

Use in anything that calls for pepper for an extra boost of flavour. Ingredients: Parsley, chives, garlic bulbs, black peppercorns, paprika, coarse sea salt.

Zesty Dill

Pure dill, pure flavour. Sprinkle on popcorn and use in fish, potato, or vegetable dishes. Ingredients: Dill, lemon rind, garlic bulbs, peppercorns, coarse sea salt.

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Add delicious flavour to your food with our popular Herbal Salts (formerly called Finishing Salts). Uniquely Pure flavour in every bite. No need for table salt!

75 ML | Keep all in a cool, dry place.

Summer Savory & Garlic

Use to season vegetables, poultry, eggs, soups, or a variety of culinary creations. Ingredients: Summer savory, garlic bulbs, coarse sea salt.

Garlic Scape & Spring Onion (Seasonal)

Use to season fresh vegetables, soups, in sour cream as a dip, or a variety of culinary creations. Ingredients: Garlic scapes, spring onions, coarse sea salt.

Pepper Blend

Use in anything that calls for pepper for an extra boost of flavour. Ingredients: Parsley, chives, garlic bulbs, black peppercorns, paprika, coarse sea salt.

Zesty Dill

Pure dill, pure flavour. Sprinkle on popcorn and use in fish, potato, or vegetable dishes. Ingredients: Dill, lemon rind, garlic bulbs, peppercorns, coarse sea salt.

Add delicious flavour to your food with our popular Herbal Salts (formerly called Finishing Salts). Uniquely Pure flavour in every bite. No need for table salt!

75 ML | Keep all in a cool, dry place.

Summer Savory & Garlic

Use to season vegetables, poultry, eggs, soups, or a variety of culinary creations. Ingredients: Summer savory, garlic bulbs, coarse sea salt.

Garlic Scape & Spring Onion (Seasonal)

Use to season fresh vegetables, soups, in sour cream as a dip, or a variety of culinary creations. Ingredients: Garlic scapes, spring onions, coarse sea salt.

Pepper Blend

Use in anything that calls for pepper for an extra boost of flavour. Ingredients: Parsley, chives, garlic bulbs, black peppercorns, paprika, coarse sea salt.

Zesty Dill

Pure dill, pure flavour. Sprinkle on popcorn and use in fish, potato, or vegetable dishes. Ingredients: Dill, lemon rind, garlic bulbs, peppercorns, coarse sea salt.

What our customers say:

“My absolutely favourite to add to almost everything.”

— Carol D.

NOTE: Herbs can be very beneficial but also have the potential to be very powerful. Products containing herbs should be approved by your doctor, especially if you have a medical condition or are pregnant or nursing.

Sel Aux Herbes

Saveur “Uniquely Pure” à chaque bouchée. Vous n'avez plus besoin de sel de table ! Conserver tous dans un endroit frais et sec.

Herbes & Poivre

Utilisez-le dans tout ce qui nécessite du poivre pour plus de saveur. Ingrédients : Persil, ciboulette, bulbes d'ail, grains de poivre noir, paprika, gros sel de mer.

Fleur d'Ail & Oignon Nouveau

Utilisez-le pour assaisonner des légumes frais, des soupes, à la crème sure pour faire une trempette, ou une variété de créations culinaires. Ingrédients : Fleurs d'ail, oignons nouveaux, gros sel marin.

Sarriette d'Eté & Ail

Utilisez-le pour assaisonner les légumes, la volaille, les œufs, les soupes, ou une variété de créations culinaires. Ingrédients : Sarriette d'été, bulbes d'ail, gros sel marin.

Frais Curcuma

Une façon savoureuse d’intégrer le curcuma dans votre alimentation ! Utiliser dans les currys, plats de riz, soupes, volaille, œufs, salades et légumes. Ingrédients : Curcuma frais, gros sel marin, poudre d'ail, poudre d'oignon, grains de poivre, muscade, fenouil, sucre brut.

Herbal Honeys
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